Response to DS-160 Qs about visa refusal in case of 221g


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Hello friends,

I had received 221g last year in July 2010 and I was never issued or as such refused H1 visa.

When I check the status of my old H1 visa, its under Post Decision Activity and says "On July 29, 2010, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you. "

Does this means I am refused h1 visa?

Right now, I am working on H1 with new employer.

On DS-160 what should I answer to question for my new H1 visa "Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the point of entry?


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