EB-3 Priority dates for EB-2140


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I am upgrading from EB3 to EB2 , my PERM application was just approved for EB2.

I would really appreciate if someone can guide me what will be the next steps in the process :

1. When i file my I-140 how can i retain my EB3 priority dates and do i need to have my OLD Eb3 PD on the new I-140 approval notice.

2. How is new I-140 (EB2) mapped to the pending I-485(EB3) application

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My guess is that you are doing a lawyer:

1. When i file my I-140 how can i retain my EB3 priority dates and do i need to have my OLD Eb3 PD on the new I-140 approval notice.

If you intend capturing your old PD from EB3 application(which I think is the whole intent of your upgrade to EB2) then while filing your application , your lawyer will request portability of your old date and when your I-140 is approved it will (rather should have) your EB3 PD.

2. How is new I-140 (EB2) mapped to the pending I-485(EB3) application

see answer above

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