I290B MTR time process, (Belle, pontevechio) your help will be appreciate.


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Hi I had my I485 denied because a error from USCIS, they said I didn't send the form I485 Supplement A (I245) when they request on RFE, But on RFE they just asked to send the form G325A, that I did 3 days after.

How is the time to process I290B, I sent the MTR on 06/16/11, almost 3 months and still on initial review, should I take a info pass to explain to the officer.

Please belle, pontetvechio any suggestion will be appreciate

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I do have one Belle, and I just want some extra opinion, trying to get extra information and how long time takes for approval or denied a Motion to reopen.

My attorney always said, nothing we can do just waiting.......

that why I came to the forum to see if someone on the same boat can share their experience.

If you know anything please let me know.


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