Cap exempt to Cap subject h1B

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I am currently employed under a cap-exempt H1B visa with a non-profit organization. Recently, a for-profit organization has successfully applied for a cap-subject H1B visa on my behalf for the year 2023. However, I have decided to continue my employment with my current employer and would like to seek your advice on a few visa-related matters.

Firstly, I would like to know if it is possible for me to travel abroad and re-enter the U.S. on my current cap-exempt H1B visa, despite having an approved cap-subject H1B visa from another employer and had not been revoked yet. Additionally, I am curious to understand if there are any implications to continuing with my current employer on the cap-exempt H1B visa without joining the new employer who sponsored the cap-subject H1B.

Lastly, I am interested in knowing whether the approved cap-subject H1B visa can be utilized in the future, even if it gets revoked due to my decision not to join the sponsoring employer. Your guidance in these matters would be greatly appreciated as I navigate these complexities. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.

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