Eb2 - Eb1 process

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I was working in L1B in X-Company in USA From 2015- 2020 March, i left to India after my 5 year period completed.

But in that period i started my GC process through X-Company in Eb2, when i was in India i got my i-140got approved, my priority date was 2019 December. With X company i was working as manager from 2020 - 2022 in India.

I got H1B from Y compnay and resigned job from X-Compnay and traved to USA on 2022 Sep with H1B. With Y-Contracting Company they started my GC process but only in Eb2.  

My question: I worked as Manager in X-Compnany in India. But still i am doing manger roll in new Y-Compnay. I am eligible for Eb1 or not ?

Thank you

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  • 6 months later...

I am interested to know the answer to your quesiton. My situation is different..

I worked for an Indian IT MNC (ABC) from 2011 to 2017.
From 2012 to 2014 worked in Malaysia as Project Manager and in Nov 2014, moved to US on H1B with the same organization.
Worked for the ABC in USA from Nov 2014 to May 2017 and later moved to another organization XYZ and still working for XYZ full-time.
My question is if I go back to earlier organization ABC, am I eligible to apply for EB1C category?

Thanks in advance

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