Follow-to-join(I-824) to file it in US consulate in India or in US


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we got married in June 2011 and I got my Greencard in July 2011 through Employment based EB2(PD Nov 2006) category, Nebraska Center. So how can I file for my wife's Greencard, who is staying in India right now?

I have to do Follow-to-join(I-824) for her,

what is better way to file, the application in US consulate in India or here in US in USICS?

Is there is any advantage filing in India?


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You seem to be mixing up following to join, which is always CP with AOS. If your wife can come to the US on some sort of non-tourist visa like H1 or F1, she will have an option of filing for AOS. If not, it is CP. You will have to file I-824 in the US as the first step of that process. At least, that's my underestnading.

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