Concurrent H1B VISA questions:

Anuj Prakash

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Hi All,

I am on H1B and currently working as a full time associate with company A and planning to file a new concurrent H1B VISA with company B.

I have few questions on Concurrent H1B.

  1. Is there any minimum hours/ week or hours/ month restriction on concurrent H1B (I am planning to file for 40–50 hours per month initially) ?
  2. Can I show the work location as my home address in concurrent H1B petition ?
  3. Can any concerns be raised by my prime employer A ?
  4. In case If I do not have job with employer A, Will my concurrent H1B with employer B be active ? 

    And is there any requirement that my concurrent H1B needs to be converted to primary H1B ? 

    Or my concurrent H1B will automatically be treated as prime H1B after I leave my job from employer A ?
  5. Can My employer from company B start my green card process ?
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1. If you are going to claim 80 plus hours of work a week, the application will face increased scrutiny.

2. Possible if the petition is filed accordingly.

3. Think about it. Only your current employer can answer that. Have a look at your contract.

4. You will be in status if you work for any employer with an approved H1 petition and I94. FYI, concurrent H1 usually is taken as 2 simultaneous H1 petition approvals. If you are out of status with A by not being paid or having a project, any other H1 petition will be without an I94. Concurrent H1 petitions are separate but equal.

5. You seem to be again asking questions which only the employer B can answer. If you qualify, multiple employers can file a GC petition for you should they choose.

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