B2 Admin processing


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My spouse's cousin was slated to visit us here in US for 2 weeks with her husband and her parents. Her parents and herself already have a visitor visa although they have never traveled here before. Her husband appeared for his visa interview a couple weeks back and the visa is in admin processing.

1.) The entire family booked their flight tickets already (agree they should have waited for all visa approvals)

2.) They booked their travel/lodging in US already (wherever they are going to visit)

3.) They were planning on staying with us only 3-4 days out of 2 weeks. They intended on traveling within the country.

4.) Her husband was asked quite a few questions but he has his own business back home (I do not think he would have has shortage of funds to travel himself or with his wife).

5.) Him and his wife have traveled to a few countries in the past couple years. Obviously, always went back home after their vacation.

6.) He was asked about who is he visiting, which is us. He was asked where we worked. I do not think he knew the answer to that question (He should have known)

Having said all of this, my guess was that he would have ticked almost all boxes to prove that he has a genuine nonimmigrant intent. The consulate put the visa in AP and they have asked to wait for 60 days.

Anything that can be done by us here to prove that he is a genuine visitor? Otherwise, they may have to reconsider internal travel here and lose out on air tickets as well as internal travel accommodations etc.


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On 5/12/2019 at 8:56 AM, helpme140 said:

Anything that can be done by us here to prove that he is a genuine visitor? Otherwise, they may have to reconsider internal travel here and lose out on air tickets as well as internal travel accommodations etc.

Nothing beside waiting for consulate to make a decision can be done at this time. Most 221g admin processing cases are resolved between 2-8 weeks. You must wait. Consulate may revert back earlier. It is suggested to have travel plans and flight tickets etc booked after you have the visa stamp on your passport.

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