H1B visa Divorce


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Hi ,

Iam on H1B visa and came to US in 2016 . In April 2017 i got married and came to US with my spouse. Since then the fights got started between me and my wife on multiple problems one of which being her past relation with one guy.

In every fight she was always immature to end the fight and when i tried so she start a new topic of fight. Ultimately i gave up and thought of involving my family. i called my parents to US but things didn't go in my favor when they tried to resolve the issues between us. Ultimately my wife fought with them too and went to india. At that time also she threatened me that book my tickets or else if she will go by herself then she won't even talk to me in my life.

I loved her so i booked her ticket and constantly trying to bring her back when she was in india. finally she came back after 3 months but now it seems to me she came with all the advise from lawyer and she started collecting evidence against me after coming back.

After she came back she started fighting on petty issues and provoked me everytime to say something. when i said something then she uses that to make my life hell.

In november she again fought with me but this time i didn't book her tickets and she did it with the help of her friend . Then she flew back to india with her friend. In this period i was waiting for my H1b extension approval and got it after she flew to india. But my wife's H4 got denied because when her extension was filed she was not present in US.

We were not talking to each other since november but then in january it was her brother's marriage . because of which i decided to go to her place but she didn't even said hi to me when i was at her home for 4 days.

Then she and her family put one condition that she can come back if i will come to their place with my parents . but when we got there she was not even present at her home. The next day when the conversation started with them  They were almost 12 people from their side but we were only 3 and they were not ready to listen o our point and my spouse told in front of everybody that she dont want this relation to exist. All this conversation was recorded in the camera by them.

I already raised her visa thinking that if she ever changed her mind then she can come back to US.

Now she has filed a case agianst me in india but as iam in US so i don't know the details of case .

Can my visa be rejected due to this case? 

can i receive summon in US also?

Please help me in this critical situation.


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What kind of case did she file? 

You ought to return to India to fight the charges in an Indian court by involving either a Family lawyer or Divorce lawyer depending on the next set of steps. If she filed a 498A -type case, your passport could be impounded by the Indian Consulate in the US. The Indian Government has been cracking down on NRIs with cases pending in India. 

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4 hours ago, Dubsmash said:

i don't know the details of case

You don't need to be in India to know the case details, hire an expert attorney in India and find out the details of the case.

4 hours ago, Dubsmash said:

Can my visa be rejected due to this case?

Yes and No, it depends on lot of factors including what code are used and if US govt has the information. (pending arrest warrant, cancellation of passport etc.)

4 hours ago, Dubsmash said:

can i receive summon in US also?

Yes, via e-mail, regular mail etc. enforcement has advanced recently so one can not claim I didn't receive it !

If you don't respond to summons, govt can issue passport cancellation notice as well. So don't wait till things get out of control and messy. 


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