Time outside United Staes for last Five years. N400- Part 9


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Request some expert advice in Part 9 of N 400 - ( Time outside United States). The section tells to list down details of travel outside united states during last 5 years:

1) if I am applying for citizenship now ( Sept, 2017),  When does the 'Last 5 yea' r period end- Is it Sept 2012?

2) If I had taken an international travel anytime before Sept, 2012 , should it be listed there as well? I had an international travel in Dec-2011 to Jan, 2012  and one in Nov, 2012. I have listed the  Nov, 2012 travel. Should I list the Dec, 2011- Jan, 2012 travel as well? This travel would be 9 months more than 5 year period

Appreciate your replies







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