Am I eligible for 3 year extension?


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Hi there, 

I am 2 weeks away from the expiration of my H1B status. My status/H1B timeline is as follow:

10/1/2010 - 9/21/2013 first H1B approval ever (first 3 years on H1B) 

9/22/2013 - 9/20/2016 first H1B extension (second 3 years)

9/20/2016 - 9/30/2017 second H1B extension (recapturing time outside US) 

Now the good part (I want to believe so):

02/15/2017 - PERM approved date

06/01/2017 - I-140 approval notice date

12/06/2016 - is my Priority Date which appears to be current for me (3rd category & All Charge-ability Areas)

Am I eligible to file for H1B extension. I haven't filed the i-485 yet, I will very soon, but for now would like to know on this. 

If answer is yes, out of curiosity what is the fee, and is it still my employer's responsibility to pay the fee (I am assuming yes, but would like to confirm).

I cannot hire an attorney for financial reasons. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi meti_alb,

With approved I-140, you should be able to file H1B renewal for another 3 years
All H1B fees has to be paid by the employer
If the employer is same since last 2 filings, the base fee will be $325 (I could be wrong here) + attorney fees
There might be additional fee if company has more than 25 employees and/or visa dependent employer


PS: I'm not an attorney but I'm in the same visa/gc boat :)

- Aviral

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