Need Help on DS 160 saved for the next 30 days


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As per the instructions provided for ds160 (below). if we save the DS 160 on  "x" day then it would be there for "x" + 30 days from the "x" day. 

Your application has been saved to the database. For the next 30 days, you will be able to retrieve your application from the database by providing the Application ID and answering security questions.

I haven't seen any clause/rule we need to submit the DS160 in 30 days. If you guys have the info please share... thank you...


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I had my old DS 160 and scheduled interview using that. I didnot submit it but due to some reasons I postponed my visa interview and did not check my DS 160 for more than 30 days. One day I tried to retrieve and it was deleted. I approached USVISAINFO and they asked me to submit new DS 160 and send them DS 160 submission confirmation so that they can update my visa interview details...

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