COS H1B- H4- F1- H1B


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 I got H1B on October 2016, valid till October 2017. Due to personal reason I had to change my status back to H4. Now I want to pursue higher studies (MS in Computer Science) from a University in California. For that I need to change my status to F1 and get admission to the University. As per my understanding, during my masters, I can work in CPT(Curricular Practical Training) only under F1. My question is ,
1. After completing my masters when I get a job, I will have to go through the normal H1B process (lottery) or H1B cap exempt(without lottery) since I already had H1B valid from October 2016 to October 2017? 
2. My present employer who sponsored my H1B have withdrawn it, my H1B is valid till 24 october 2017 , so here is my question that am i dependent on my present employer to undo this withdrawal thing even after i get a fulltime job opportunity after completing my MS on F1 visa (2 years course) or my new employer who will hire me is sole responsible for extension and transferring my H1B after hiring me, is there any requirement of my present employer when i complete with my degree.
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