Travel to India on GC (first time) - Is PIO/OCI needed?

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Hello Everyone,

I recently received my Green Card, and I am planning to travel to India on vacation. I have heard of PIO/OCI cards which I am quite skeptical about since my wife and I are on Green Card, and our 2 babies currently hold US passports. 

Can someone provide us with what we need to carry or what we need to apply before the travel for both the adults and babies while traveling to India? 

Reason why I am asking is because I have read quite a few threads where it is mentioned that we just need to carry our Green Card/US/Indian passport and it should be okay, but what about PIO or OCI?

I wouldn't like to get a shocker when the Indian officials at the POE ask for the necessary document that I wasn't aware of. 

Please advise!!

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for green Card you and your wife have to carry your Indian passports and Green Cards.

For your kids who hold US passports need OCI card (its long process) if you do not have time , have a Indian visit visa to enter in to India ...  ( PIO is obsolete , not more issuing ) ...

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