H1 Transfer & Travel


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I am currently on H1 with employer A (got stamped in 2015) but traveled to US in Nov-2016. I was instantly on project in week with client (got couple of layers ) since then. Its been 3 months now.

Now, I have an offer from employer B (US firm full time - no layers) and are doing PP.  By the time I leave emp A it will be 4 months with them.

I have travel need to India on personal reasons in next 3-4 months.

Q1) Will I have to go for stamping if I go to India? (if both emp A withdraw / doesnt withdraw old petition)

Q2) What are the worst chances emp A would withdraw old petition?

Q3) What would be best bet to travel India ? (Stay with emp A (client with 2 layers) or with emp B (direct emp)) ?




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