Need Input - L1B Quota used and Want to apply H1B - Cooling Period


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I have used my 5 Years of L1B Quote as of 11-Nov-2016. I want to apply H1B in 2017 but have below question.

1. If i apply for H1B in 2017 and travel after 11-Nov-2017 , For how long i will get Petition duration i travel after 1 year taken as cooling period.

2. Or If i apply for H1B in 2017 and travel after 11-Nov-2017 , Will i get Petition approved for 1 year and need to submit for extension again ? 

Please share your input. Thanks.


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Both points are incorrect.

You will be eligible for 1 more year. And you will not be able to get extensions too. Cooling period is not between when you left and when you will be entering again.

Cooling period is b/w when you left and when you applied for new application.

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