Naturalization eligibility


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Can someone please help me understand if I can still file 90 days earlier (4 yr 9 months) for citizenship in my case?

I became permanent resident on 11/23/2011 and have travelled to India twice till now and both trips lasted for 15 days. Can someone please advise if I am eligible to file citizenship application on 8/23/16 or do I need to wait for 15 more days as I was out of country for 15 days?



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The trips don't extend the time required.

You can file up to 90 days before the 5-year mark. Note that 90 days is NOT equal to 3 months. It is a little bit less than 3 months. If you file on 8/23, it would not yet be 90 days before the 5 year mark, and the application would get denied.

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