I-140 deined - Please suggest


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My I-140 is denied after it took 4 years of processing. My file and other two employees of the same company went for back ground check and they got stuck there for very long time. After continous follow ups the files were sent back to Service center where they issued RFE on all three files which were replied and again Notice of Intend to Deny was issued which was also answered well. The other two files got approved but my file was denied(It is becuase the officer who handled my case is not convinced with the replay it seems). The reason he says as the company is fraud and it is a body shop and various other reasons mentioned in the denial notice.My company profile is good and all other I 140s got approved in this 4 years period.

Experts kindly advise, if I go for Motion to Re-open what are the chances that it will get approved? What are my other options?

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