j1 hardship waiver havent heard from the DOS


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My husband is a teacher j1 visa and Im his dependent J2. We applied for a hardship waiver because I am pregnant at that time (10 weeks) and our doctor said I am in high risk pregnancy, I cant travel and my doctors wont sign a waiver/ clearance for us to go home to our country due to long travel that would risk the baby. Now, I am 31 weeks and the DOS hasnt responded yet to our waiver request and our visa is about to expire on June 30. We applied for the waiver january, based on the dos website they receive it feb 16 , 2016 and until now there is no response yet. We followed up and they said in the email that they are waiting for I612/613 from the USCIS HOWEVER, we havent submitted our I612 due to the fact that none of us are US citizen. what can we do? we cant travel back home, we dont have a valid visa and there is no response yet from the USDOS...please help

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