H4 EAD Expired - Can my wife work with H4 Receipt number?


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      My H1B and wife's H4 has expired and applied for renewal, i got the receipt for both my H1B and also for my wife's H4.

     Earlier my wife had H4-EAD now it is expired as its validity is same as H4 validity period. Now my question is can my wife still work with H4 Receipt number? Or should  i apply for H4 EAD,  can she continue to work with that receipt number (not sure whether i will be getting any receipt for H4 EAD application?) Or she can't do any job till she gets her H4 EAD approval.  

     Now a days they give the validity for only one year for both H1 and H4. If that is the case, should my wife take break from the job each and every year until she receives her new H4 EAD approval? Am not sure how it will work. 

   Update me if you came across this situation or knew any procedures to follow.




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My wife is in same situation. H4 and EAD expired. The new H4 extension is pending. She cannot work without valid EAD. I cannnot apply for her EAD renewal without H4 approval. When i applied for H4 extension, i never applied for EAD renewal at that time. But now i have to wait till her H4 is approved.

I hope it helps.

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