H1 to H4 to EAD-Questions about EAD application


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I was on H1 till October 2015. My H1 was valid until Sep 2016.


I now have entered the country on H4. So my current status is H4. My spouse's H1 is also valid until Sep 2016, so I was approved for a H4 until Sep 2016.


I was going to be applying for a EAD. (H4-EAD). I had the following questions:


1) I have both A# and I-94 number. I was going to provide the I-94 number.. Would this be correct?


2) I had an OPT EAD approved 5 years ago, I should provide that as a response to question 11 on I-765.. Correct?


3) For question 16, eligibility category- is it ( c ) (26) OR will it be ( c ) (26) (3a) as  my spouse has an approved I-140.

Is there anything I need to fill in the I-765 form to indicate that the principal has I-140 that is approved.


4) For the supporting documents, should I be providing all my previous visas (F1, h1 and renewed h1), my I-140 along with my spouse's I-140 (h1 primary applicant's I-140)? Since I was working on H1 full time before, I had a visa, I-140 etc.


Or do I just provide documents that are in the check list per the uscis site



Any guidance is really going to be very helpful!


Thanks in advance for all your help!


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