EAD Passport Surname Typo Error


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Need your help. I have my I-140 approved  under EB2I category.


All these years I have had an issue with my surname as the passport office in India made a typo error in my surname. I didn't realize this mistake until my PERM and I-140 approved. Typo error in my passport is explained below:


Per documents (Education, Marriage etc) in India 

First name: XXXX

Middle name: Y (Initial not expanded)

Last Name: Z  (Initial not expanded)


In my first  passport:

Given name: XXXX

Surname: YYYY ZZZZ (Middle and last name separated which is correct)


In my renewed second  passport:

Given name: XXXX

Surname: YYYYZZZZ (Typo - Middle and last name joined)


I am planning on getting this corrected through Indian embassy here. My dilemma is whether I should wait till EAD process is over (which I assume will take couple of months) or should I go ahead and get it corrected? If I get it corrected, will it create any negative impact to my EAD process since all my documents like PERM, I-140, visa and US driving license have incorrect surname stamped on it. Please help.


Thanks in advance.

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