Should whole family need EAD?


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I work for company A and eligible to file 485 and EAD. My company attorney said that they are going to maintain H1 until GC arrives (in few years :)). Attorney charges $1000 per person to get EAD and AP, they also told me that applying for EAD and AP are optional. I have two dependents (spouse and child). My spouse is not going to work soon, so I am wondering, should I get EAD and AP for family by spending $2000?


Also, I am thinking of getting EAD for myself, in the unlikely event i change job after 180 days period, what will be my family members status (assuming they are in H4, no EAD) and what are their options?

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If you go on EAD, that means your H1B has to be cancelled by law. If your H1B gets cancelled your dependents will have no status as their primary base is no longer valid. If you have a plan of using EAD, better to get it for all your dependents, which will help you avoid any status issues should you plan of switching to EAD from H1B. Hope this helps.




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