How many years of extension will i get on H1b ?


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I am on H1b ( 7th year -  initial few years on L1 and now on H1 ) and my GC I-140 is approved that's why i got visa extension for another 3 years, so it's valid till Feb 2017


One of my friend told me that since i already 3 year extension based on I-140, next time when i apply for extension again in 2017, i will only get 1 year extension, since as per him, using I-140 you can get 3 years extension only once .. Is it true ?


It doesnt make sense to me, so thought of reconfirming within the forum. So in a nutshell next time when i apply for texnsion in 2017 would i get 3 year extension base on I-140, leaving aside Visa officer discretion issue.



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That's not true. With I-140 approval, your employer could always request 3 years of extn, however USCIS grants extension based on client letter (assuming you are in EVC model). If you are direct employee, then USCIS would always grants 3 yrs extension. There is no limit how many times you avail this extension. 


If you have filed I-485 and it's pending due to unavailability of visa dates, then you would be granted only 1 yr extn.


I got 3 yrs extn twice based on I-140 approval + client letters.

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