Payroll on the same pay period from 2 comapnies

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I have received an offer and that company is insisting me to join by 28 June as they have some headcount target to be finished by second qtr. I am willing to quit my current company on the same day (meaning 28 being my last day) and join the new comp on 1 July. I have been told by my new employer that I can work in both the companies for a short period of time as I am not working 100% for them. I am on H1B and want to know if it is legal to do so?



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Generally, an H1B beneficiary is only permitted to work for one H1B employer, unless a second H1B petition is filed for "concurrent employment." If the H1B petition is filed for full time employment then the H1B beneficiary must work for the company full time to be considered maintaining valid H1B status. Please schedule a consultation with an experienced immigration attorney to discuss the specific facts of your case and to ensure that you are maintaining valid status at all times.

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