H1B approval from a University (Current employer) and a Private firm


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I am currently working in an University as a Postdoctoral Fellow. My present employer (The University) had filed for an H1 for me and just got it approved ( I was on a J1 prior to this). This H1B starts from July.


AT the same time, I had interviewed with a private company, who recently filed for a H1B and got it approved too (Lucky to be within the CAP!). The private employer's H1B starts from October.


Now my question is: If I accept the H1B from my current employer (The University) and then in a couple of months (Around Nov-Dec) go to my home country (India) -- and then come back with then get my University H1 visa stamped in India -- come back to the US with the H1B stamped  -- and then  can I then Join the private company directly (after IO come back and resign)? Since the private firm already have the approved H1B for me , can I just come back with my Univ. H1b and then resign from my present Job (The Univ.) and start working for the private firm? 


PLease Kindly Advice ..


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What makes you think they company will wait for you? They may have an urgent project.Your character leaves a lot to be desired as you are also stringing your current employer along rather than being open about your plans. Oh - and it is illegal to enter with the approval notice of an employer for which you do not plan to work.


My "kindly advice" is to be an honorable individual.

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I have a similar situation, although I already have a H1B from a non profit (for the past 3 years). Now I have an offer from a private firm who has agreed on a joining date of December. I plan to travel to my home country and come back to USA on my current visa (the University Visa). After I come back , can I start working for the private firm in December? (If I resign from my current employer). Since the Private firm H1B was considered under the CAP , its a new H1B... so will I need to file any forms or can I just start working for the Private firm immediately after I come back ?

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