H-1 B Approval Query


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I came to US to do my Masters in Mechanical Engineering from India in 2008, currently I'm working on my second OPT as an Operations Engineer in IT. Recently, I just got a job in Board of Education System for the post of Senior People Soft Administrator. Now, they are going to go ahead with my H-1 application but I have to know if I can apply since my Masters and Job Profile are not matching. I took some computer related courses in my MS like Computer Integration, Computer Aided Design, Engineering Analysis and Computer Programming. My Job requirement is as follows

The successful candidate must have an earned Bachelor’s degree from an

accredited institution. A degree in Information Systems or a related field is preferred. Alternatively, ten or more years direct experience in the above areas of expertise for a large enterprise or university with at least two years of formal education or training in a related field may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree.

I have my Bachelors Degree from Mechanical Engineering, I have 2 years of experience in PeopleSoft Administration. Given the scenario, will I be able to apply for H-1 and get approval for it.

Thank You

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If you have the technical skill-set just prove with experience letter and certifications.You should be fine!!

The posted job requirement is not the key but if your HR/Legal can add "degree in IS, Engineering or other related engineering fields", it helps.

You may need to review the GC-Labor job requirement and description closely but you are ok for H1B.

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