Starting up a company in H1B visa


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Say for eg, I am in H1B visa working for, I want to start a tech startup like facebook called There are two founders, Me and US citizen. We start in a Dorm and work on the website. After 6 months, the website gains prominence and we get a venture capital funding of 10million. Can somebody suggest me some way such that I can be a part of legally?

1) After 6months I want to quit and start working on fulltime.

2) Can the following model work:

US citizen Equity: 50%

My Equity in the name of my Mom who is in India: 50%

I resign from after 6months. Then work as a consultant through a agency for as an employee. becomes successfull. I sell it for $100million. My mom gets $50million. I transfer that in my account. Spend

$500,000 to get my green card done.

Then, I do other ventures independently.

Can somebody comment on this approach. Or any other way, I can start the venture



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You are not Youtube. You haven't learned the first thing about startups.

You are delusional. You are thinking about step 10 when step 1 isn't even possible.

It is not possible, no matter how often you post it. Geez. Seems you have a big desire to see a deportation cell from the inside.

Because that's the only thing that will happen: you will get deported and banned for life.

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wowww...who do you sell it to???

That guy is just dreaming of some "get-rich-quick" scheme...

Since it would be illegal work, he wouldn't even get any venture capitalist investing in his pipe dream. And big companies wouldn't touch illegal stuff, anyway.

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An employer can file an H1, but they of course have to have the financial means to pay the salary for the person. The salary has to be at least the prevailing wage.

If the company has a business plan and enough funding, the H1 could get approved.

If the company doesn't have that, it is rather unlikely that an H1 will get approved.

The company should discuss this with a good immigration lawyer.

Oh, and getting VC isn't easy. I know people (Americans) who ended up rewriting the business plan for their startup more than 100 times before they got VC funding. And a few years later, they got pushed out of the company, and the company folded... That's the norm, btw. The dreams of 100s of millions is just that, a dream without any footing in reality.

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  • 3 months later...

Many entrepreneurs who were successful for the fact they did not do it for the money.... at-least not solely for the money.

Let passion drive you, money will follow...

The OP has read something in a book about how Zuckerberg started Facebook, and thinks that's how companies are started...

And that VCs are just waiting to throw money at some arbitrary startup...

What he doesn't understand that it is very hard work and takes years to get a startup off the ground. And that it is no get-rich-quick thing.

VCs see thousands of business plans each year, and most of the business plans are just rubbish. I have known people who had to rewrite their business plans 60 times over two years to get VC funding.

The OP has a lot to learn about how a business works.

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Dude you have serious issues. Which investor in their right mind deal with your mom? If you are an entrepreneur, they want to deal with you not with your mom, that means you have to own the equity not some proxy. No investor will touch your company even if your idea makes sense. If you do get funded, it would be wise for you to open a office in your home country.

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Can u work as a consultant/contractor at a startup at least?

A person can of course get an H1 from a startup company, provided the company has the financial means to pay the salary.

That is not different than working for any other company on H1.

You can not work for free or for equity only. You have to get the salary, free and clear.

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