DS 160 - Working from home - Where do you intend to work


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My employer is based our of Virginia. But I work remotely from my home in North Carolina and occasionally visit my employer's office in Virginia. I work directly full-time for the company and I DO NOT work at a client's location.


While filing for H1 extension, my attorney has mentioned Virginia employer's address for Place of Employment 1 on Form 9035. And my home address is mentioned as Place of Employment 2 on Addendum.


Now in DS160, for the question - "Where do you intend to work" which address should I provide? Since there is no way to specify 2 addresses, should I mention employer's address or my work from home address.




Appreciate your help!!

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4 hours ago, Tjgarla said:

mention the address where your client is present 

Hi @Tjgarla, I am working full time for the company and not for a specific client. During my previous Visa stampings, I used to mention my employer's Virginia address. But now that I am working from home, the question is whether to specify my employer's Virginia address or my NC work from home address. Appreciate your help!!

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