H1B Stamping Hyderabad Consulate-India 221g Administrative Processing


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 I had my H1 B Visa interview on April 17th, 2018. I received 221g and I was informed by the consular officer that my case will be under Administrative Processing. I received an email from the consulate asking me to submit few documents and to fill out the questionnaire sent by them over email. I sent my documents and answered the questionnaire and sent them on April 20th, 2018. The documents requested were resume and employer letter. My attorney who was dealing with my case sent the documents on Apr 20th, 2018. Unfortunately she sent it to the wrong email address. She missed an alphabet in the email and she did not inform me that she did not receive an acknowledgement. I received the same email which I received before asking me to send the documents on May 17th. When I checked my previous emails, I then realized that the documents which were sent before were sent to the wrong email address.

I myself sent the documents and answered all the questionnaire the second time on May 17th,2018 and received the acknowledgement. It has been more than 4 weeks since I correctly sent them my documents. I tried to contact them by sending email to support-india@ustraveldocs.com, hydacs@state.gov and also tried to contact these phone numbers 040-4625-8222 (or) 0120-484-4644. Also my employer sent the consulate an email requesting to provide my case status. She hasn't received any update yet.

Experts please advise Is there some other way to expedite the process or any other way to contact them to know my application status?



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