Job change on approved I-140


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I have a question about job change during the green card process. Currently, I work at a non-profit on H-1B and my I-140 got approved recently. My first 6 years of H-1B gets over in a few weeks. 

My original H-1B application through my first employer (for profit company) was under the 65,000 quota. 

- Can I switch my job since my I-140 is approved?

- Will the green card process start all over again with the new company? I believe only priority date will remain the same, correct?

- As far as I know, once you are counted in the H-1B cap, it is valid for first 6 years. If I change my job after first 6 years og H-1B, will I be subject to cap since my current company is non-profit? 


I would really appreciate if you can help me with this. Thanks in advance. 


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- Can I switch my job since my I-140 is approved?

Yes you can. Since you have had an H-1B with a for profit as well as no profit company, you don't have to worry about a quota.

- Will the green card process start all over again with the new company? I believe only priority date will remain the same, correct?


- As far as I know, once you are counted in the H-1B cap, it is valid for first 6 years. If I change my job after first 6 years og H-1B, will I be subject to cap since my current company is non-profit? 

You will not be subject to a cap.

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