H4 application fee payment - Redirecting to pay 2 fees (Child and principal applicant)


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HI All, 

I am on H1B visa in US. Applying for H4 visa for my new born baby who is in India with his mother (Mother already holds h4 visa). Filled DS160 successfully.  Trying to schedule appointment from my US Travel docs account by adding my son as a new family member. 

When i am trying to pay for visa fee( in this case, it's only my son) , it is showing 2 applicants( Me and my son and asking to pay 2 applicants fee) 


I tried to create a new US Travel docs application but after filling petitioner details , it is directing me that i already have a account with the given personal details. 


From my account, i want to send only my son for Drop box, but as mentioned it is asking for 2 applicants fee. 


Appreciate response. 




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