H1B Transfer..RFE received for date conflict.... Urgent info needed!


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I have received my H1B transfer filing Fedex delivery confirmation on March 03,2015  


Last day with my previous employer was March 08,2015 - which is 5 days later.


Joined current employer on March 23, 2015


RFE received saying -- "It appears that the beneficiary previously obtained HIB status on October 1,2014, pursuant to a  petition filed on his/her behalf by ABC. Therefore, you must demonstrate that the beneficiary has maintained the Hl B nonimmigrant status afforded to him/her on that date until March 12, 2015, the date the present petition was filed."


I can't show the paychecks from March 9 to March 12 as March 8 was the last date with the old employer.


My lawfirm is suggesting that I might have to travel abroad with currentlky valid visa (H1 from old emp.) and re-enter to US.


Please please suggest what would be the best thing to do as I want to avoid travelling abroad.



Thanks in advance for your kind advice.



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