H4 to F1 Stamping questions...please guide


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My wife has stamped H4 visa till Sept 2015, She completed 3 semesters, COS approved to F1 on Dec 2014 and she will graduate in May 2015.
I have couple of questions please guide:
1. She is planning to visit India for F1 stamping in spring break (March) and if for some reason her F1 visas gets denied can she come back on existing H4 visa? or she will have to reapply for H4?
2. Lets say if she visits India in May 2015 and do not apply for F1 visa stamping, can she come back on existing H4 visa? and will her COS to F1 still valid and start looking for job on OPT?



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Thanks very my much everyone.


I have one last question, if you guys can help


This December she got Graduate Assistantship and SSN also, What are the chances of F1 rejection? Will this help her in getting visa?



Having a SSN or graduate assistantship will have no influence on her F1 visa outcome.

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