New H1 Visa application


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I have one question regarding h1 visa.  As I know we can stay here for six years on h1 visa and after that we have to stay out of US for one year before applying fresh H1. Let us consider a case, somebody not stayed consecutively in US and took gap of one or more than year in his/her 6 years visa tenure.  In such case, Can candidate can apply fresh h1 visa after completion of 6 years on old h1.  Do he/she need to spend another year out of US? 


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I have one question regarding h1 visa.  As I know we can stay here for six years on h1 visa and after that we have to stay out of US for one year before applying fresh H1. Let us consider a case, somebody not stayed consecutively in US and took gap of one or more than year in his/her 6 years visa tenure.  In such case, Can candidate can apply fresh h1 visa after completion of 6 years on old h1.  Do he/she need to spend another year out of US? 


It is continuous stay outside US for 365 days. 

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