H1B expiration and transfer overlapping


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I am currently working for a X filed for my H1B which is about to expire on September 30, 2013. X also filed for my H1B extension in May 2013 and the decision is pending.


In the mean time I got a job offer from Y who applied for my visa transfer in Premium Processing on September 10, 2013, for which I may receive approval by end of September 2013. 



I have a notice period of 15 days in X and I don't want to quit before I get Y's H1B approval. If I give the notice to X by end of September to October 15, and continue to work until October 15 or 31, will I be illegally working in US from October 1 to October 15 or 31? (as X's H1B extension approval won't come until then and they will withdraw my application when I quit). 


Could you please provide recommended action to avoid risk of quitting X and Y's H1B getting rejected. Also, could you provide an alternate course of action if I will be illegally working in US from October 1 to October 15/30.





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