L1B RFE I94 Expired and H1B COS approved


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Hello Experts, 

I work for Employer A in L1B Visa and my I94 expires on 15-Sep-2013. I appplied for L1B Extension on Jun-18-2013 and got RFE. 

I also applied for H1B through Employer B and it got approved. The document clearly says that My petition and Change of status is approved and has I94 with start date 01-oct-2013 to 17-jun-2016 


1. Can i start working for Employer B from 1-0ct-2013 when my L1B Extension in RFE 
and I94 expired from 15-SEP-2013. 

2. If there is a option to start working for Employer B , and some decison is taken on L1B , will it be a problem for me to stay here and work for Employer B. 


3. Is my H1B COS  valid on 01-oct-2013 ? i wont have any status on 16-sep-2013 to 30-sep-2013 and all i have is L1B RFE  during this period.
Please advice

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