Approved Papers Not yet received even after 2 Months


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He wants to wait for more time??? That is strange.

Me too feeling the same , but when i contacted the employer about this , He said he already spoke with USIC and they also told to wait.

When i called USIC , with the recept number , it says that we have approved your application on May 20th as auto msg and i spoke with helpline he said he can only discuss with employer or attorny.

My application seleted in lotery in last week of april arnd 29 like that , On May 20 from initial reivew it went to post decision activity , i.e they have mented we have approved your application on 20 th and send the notice like that. Is it possible like this ?

I am really confused .... even the notice is missed some how , can we get one more notice again like duplicate of that ?

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