Leave on H1B


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     I am currently on H1B visa and would like to take maternity leave for 5-6 months.

I have the below doubts about this:


1) Is it legal to take leave(unpaid, reason:Maternity) for 5-6 months when I am on H1B visa? (My employer has agreed to give me unpaid leave, he asked me to sign a leave letter where it states that I am taking unpaid leave.)

2) Is this leave letter enough for me to maintain status on H1B or do I need any other documents from employer as proof?

3) Do I need payslips(with no pay) for the leave duration?



4) Do I have to convert to H4 for the duration that I am on leave?


Please advise.


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You can not be on maternity leave for 5-6 months. I believe it is 4 to 6 weeks. If you want to stay in H1B your employer has to pay you beyond 4-6 weeks (maternity leave) whether you work or not. I do not think your employer will be that generous. If you really want to have the 5-6 months leave convert your H1B to H4 and later to H1B when you are ready. Good luck.

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