priority date current as per august visa bulletin and AOS is pending. Share your updates plz?


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My priority date is june 11th 2007 per eb3 filed i-485 in july 2007, i filed EB2 in february got approved and priority date is ported and showing that my priority date is june 11th 2007 on new I 140. In august my priority date is currenut, my i-485 is pending status. I didnt receive any RFE or fingerprinting is that normal? has anybody received any updates or rfes or fingerprinting requests? my last update was on march 27th 2007 as address update. share your experiences please.

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once your PD gets current in Aug...they may or may not send you another Biometrics appt or any RFE..else you may get your GC straighaway.

HI Omshiv, thanks for your reply, I applied for i-485 in 2007, ever since i got finger print done 3 times, 2007, 2009, and 2010 last time, but i havent had finger prints done after 2010, is that normal?

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