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My PD became current in the latest bulletin. Therefore, I am eligible to get a GC after Aug-01, 2013. My questions are:


1. Is there any way to findout whether my application has been pre-adjudicated and waiting for a visa numner? Can I get this information through an InfoPass appointment?


2. Is there any downside asking this questions though InfoPass?




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I am not sure I would agree.


If a case has not seen LUD on the website for 6 months and no RFE, what is the possible issue? And what is the harm in the applicant contacting the customer service and first raise SR and later ask for infopass appointment if the SR does not yield good result.


If SR is raised today by the time it is resolved, the pd  of OP will be current.

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Looked like the sequence(CR first or not)  does not matter. apparently they have slightly additional info on our app ( like home address etc), other than that they seem to connect to the same  data base we log into and read out aloud( got me irritated ) what we saw online. they seem to have no clue ( atleast the guy i talked to) on pre adjudication, fbi name check etc. try your luck.

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