Is it Legal to stay and work on I-94 validity after L1B visa expiration without filing for Extension ?


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My L1B Visa is getting expired in September 2013 and I have my I-94 valid till April 2015.

My employer does not want to file for extension and wants me to continue working with I-94 Validity.


Is it Legal to stay and work on I-94 validity after L1B visa expiration without filing for extension ?

If yes,does the stay period on I-94 create any Issues when I go for any visa stamping next time in home country ?


Appreciate your response...!!! Thanks
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Thanks for the quick response

I was glancing through the Article in Murthy forum on 

"Differences Between: Lawful Status, Period of Authorized Stay, & Unlawful Presence" .

Question : Does my stay on I-94 ,fall under Lawful status or Period of Authorized stay ?


Also could you please clarify me more the Phrase mentioned in the same Article " Despite the misleading phrase "period of authorized stay," a foreign national with this designation is not legally in the United States, and can be removed (i.e. deported) by the U.S. government."

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Also I would like to share one of the Case which happened with my friend and co-worker who stayed in US on a Valid I-94 status for 8 months after L1B Visa expiration .


When he returned back to home country after his stay on Valid I-94 status and when he applied for a new L1A Visa through the same employer,His Petition was approved however when he went to US Consulate for Stamping his Visa was  denied with reason saying "You Over-stayed in your last travel"


  • I am just worried ,if this applies to everyone who stay on I-94 validity after L1B Visa expiration?
  • Is their any document/evidence we can show during our stamping process to handle above type of questions during stamping process ?

Please suggest.Thanks

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