Visa officer asked me to wait for 2- 3 days in Ottawa ..


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Today 18 June I had my interview in Ottawa, Canada.


I went through the security check and finger printing and Visa office called me for interview on Window 4.

He asked me for my employer letter, Client and Vendor Letter. I work on EVC model so have provided all the 3 letters to him. He reviewed all the letters and type something in computer for 1 minute and asked what your company(Employer) do I answered. .... ....


He did not asked any question at all excpet the above company question..


then he said " I do not know your visa will approve or not because I need some information and that information is not available right away in our database. Visa officer took my passport and said you will get updated withing  2-3 days. he gave me one form with with same  website link and said check the status from this website.


Now I do not know what information he is looking for and how long it will take.


Please share if you have any information on this case..

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