2 Visas Approved @ Vacouver on tuesday


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I and my friend had interview today June 18th at 10;30 AM.


we reached the consulate at 8;30 and had my docs checked and security check done by 8;45..


and after the finger prints taken was waiting till 10;30 for my number to be called..finally went to the 20th floor.


We had interviews at same counter 4.


my friend was called ahead of me and he went to counter 4 there was a white female as VO.


his questions were ::

His case is Full time (same client and employer)

1) Whats your client name

2. What do you do

3. whose your employer and is he same as your client (his case its same)

4. whats your highest degree


After him i was called at the same counter here it goes my interview,


 1) Who do you work for

2. What do you do for them

3. Who is your client

4. Whats your highest degree

5. She asked for client letter, pay stubs and i-129 docs (verified and gave it to me back)

6. Where do you work


Then said your Visa is approved. collect it within 5 Business days.


Thanks to the murthy forum.




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