hw to make sure you get combo EAD/AP?


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Hello friends,

I understand that I need to make 4 subfolders for EAD/AP renewal.


1) I-131 for primary applicant

2) I-765 for primary applicant


1) I-131 for dependent applicant

2) I-765 for dependent applicant

My questions : To get combo card (not separate one)

As the address for TSC private courier delivery ADDRESS is the same for I 131 as well as I 765,

1. Do I need send all 4 applications in one fedex packet to USCIS or 2 separate fedex packets (one for primary n one for dependent or 4 separate folders?

2. Is there any way to make sure you get a combo card? I have heard few folks getting separate EAD and APs .

Thank you very much.

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1) Just send all 4 in the same packet. That's perfectly fine!

2) There's no guarantee, but if you send in everything at the same time chances are good. However, if for instance, your EAD is approved, but you get RFD on your AP (for whatever reason), that may result in separate cards (one card is produced before the other application is approved)

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