h1b query regarding client letter


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Hi Folks,

Need help regarding my h1b stamping .Iam at an xxx company in evvc model and planning to go for stamping but the issue here lies with my client letter as per the policy they are not providing any letters to consultants can i plan to go with just the vendor letter and email from client .if so which counslate would be chosen for this kind of case.



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Yeah that should work a email (signed by ur manager /lead/full-time employee) Since EVVC

1. Employer-Vendor 1 relation

2. Vendor 1-Prime Vendor relation

3. Prime Vendor - Client relation documents

in case your going to Ottawa be prepared for 2 weeks delay and make sure your manager reply for any emails from Consulate , if he is on vacation you may have further more delays. Try Vancover for EVVC

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Hi Folks,

Need help regarding my h1b stamping .Iam at an xxx company in evvc model and planning to go for stamping but the issue here lies with my client letter as per the policy they are not providing any letters to consultants can i plan to go with just the vendor letter and email from client .if so which counslate would be chosen for this kind of case.



Client letter is mandatory for visa stamp.

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