Need advice on H1 extension validity - very unique case - urgent help


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I was in US for 2 years then went back to India for 15 months. Came back to US on same visa. In my last Visa extension, I got the extension considering second visit starting date as the starting date instead of first visit date as starting year (i.e. got 2 years more on same H1 visa). I have already exceed my physical presence in US for more than 6 years (almost 6 years 9 months) but realizing that consulate might have made a mistake in extending my visa. So now what are the options for me:

1) Whether I continue on the same visa till the Visa validity date (i.e. overall 8 years) and go for GC processing.

2) Considering validity of H1 and leave US at the end of visa validity date without applying for GC or extension

3) Any chance of applying for L1 visa and stay

4) Leave US probably after 2-3 months once everything is settled and taken to closer (lease, etc. )

5) Leave US immediately (probably the worst case)

6) Any other suggestions you might have.

7) Will I be subject to 3 year bar as I have exceeded more than 180 days even though my H1 and I94 are valid for next 1 year.

By the way I am being told by my employer to go out of US immediately.

Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

H1 Visa Fan

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