Can OPT extension be requested after h1b application


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At present ,I am working in e-verify company under normal OPT (12 months) after completing MS in subject area covered in STEM list . My employer has filed a petition for H1B in May2012. I have received cap gap extension till end September, 2012, and new I20.I do not know when the decision on H1B will be received. I wish to apply for OPT extension of 17 months now. Can I apply? When should I apply? Do I need to apply before end date of initial OPT or before end September? What other actions I need to take/procedure I have to follow as per USCIS requirements?

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"Do I need to apply before end date of initial OPT or before end September?"

=> File for OPT extension with 90 days of the current OPT expiration. Ask your employer to cancel the H1b processing. If mean while H1b is approved, ask your DSO to raise a data-fix to SEVIS to cancel the F1 to H1b cos. Discuss with your DSO, they know more and better. DSO: Designated School Official.

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