Chances for Perm Audit


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Our company decided to move with a different attorney and i had approved Prevailing Wage for PERM, new attorney who reviewed the PWD told that it is poorly done and had a high chances for audit.

Here are his points,

1. It says MS + 0 years of experience.
2. Job duties are very basic and too many technologies, below is the entire description.


Gather, analyze, design, write code, document, customize, maintain, test, and modify software and computer applications using any combination of the     following technologies such as Java, J2EE, Hibernate, Struts, Shell Script, JavaScript, Web Services, Python, Vue.Js, Jenkins, Docker, Puppet, Django, Linux, Ajax, JQuery, Json, Maven, JDK7, SOAP, GIT, Flask, Spring Boot, CSS, SASS, UML XML, Blue Ocean, Chef, Rally, QTP, UFT, Selenium, ALM, and QC.

3. No special skills mentioned, Job title is Software engineer different from my actual title DevOps engineer (Per H1b).

if PWD need to be redone it is going to cost 5 more months, if i proceed with the current one what are the chances for audit/approval.


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That is indeed a bad list of things that have not much to do with each other. That lawyer apparently just dropped a bunch of buzzwords. Get a new PERM done, based on your actual job description. Django or Jquery for example have zero relevance to DevOps.

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