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I received following RFE. I didn't understand what we need to provide details.

Pleae help me to understand what we need to provide details.

1. If Mr. A or another COMPANY employee in a comparable Software Developer, Applications position has produced reports, presentations, or evaluations that demonstrate that a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a relevant engineering field would have been required to create the document, please provide copies of such reports, presentations, or evaluations, please clarify if it was Mr. A or a different person in a similar Software Developer, Applications role, and please provide the context of the report, presentation, or evaluation (clarifying what was being requested, what the document achieved, and why it demonstrates that a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a relevant engineering field would be required to create it.  If Mr. A will be required to create a similar document to the document you provide, please note that and the similarities in terms of what he will have to do to create the document. 

2. If there was any technical document or RFP response provided to get the work from Assurant that Mr. A will work on and it would assist the CIS in understanding why Mr. A will need to have the educational background he has to work in this role on this project, please provide it. 

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